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tv   CNNI Simulcast  CNN  January 14, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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support and encourage others. >> we thank you all for your voice and for sharing your personal story with us. we wish you all the best of luck. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. okay everyone you're watching cnn. >> we would like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. coming up the fbi says a lone wolf was planning to plant pipe bombs at the u.s. capitol. we'll tell you what the suspect's family is now saying. in france investigators are digging into the lives of the "charlie hebdo" murder suspects. and reaction from around the world about the magazine's latest controversial cover. plus climbers using their bare hands to make it to the top of a 3,000 foot wall.
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we begin with new developments in terror plots on two continents. first to the u.s. the fbi arrested a 20-year-old ohio man who they say was inspired by isis and plotting to pop the u.s. capitol. the man had allegedly posted messages online about his support for the violent jihad. >> and half a world away al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is claiming responsibility for the terror attacks on the french magazine "charlie hebdo." a video statement says it was revenge for the magazine's depiction of the prophet muhammad. the group also praised friday's grocery store shooting as well but did not claim responsibility for that. we're learning a lot of new information about the "charlie hebdo" attackers and the man who killed four hostages at the kosher grocery store. isa sourez joins us live from paris. we are hearing about a fourth suspect, as well an apparent accomplice. what more can you tell us about
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that person? >> reporter: yes. hi zain. about a week or so ago, we heard from the prime minister and he said that he believed there could be more accomplices, there must have been more accomplices, people who helped finance, helped organize. a french newspaper is basically saying the investigators said to them that there must have been a fourth suspect. now, this fourth suspect is someone who they believe, according to the newspaper, may have driven coulibaly, that is the terrorist that was inside the kosher store. they believe that he was driven there by this fourth suspect. now, why do they think they know this? why the connection? if you remember last week or so investigators and prosecutors telling cnn that they found a house that was rented by coulibaly. inside that house is a weapons stash and a lot of weapons, as well as an isis flag.
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as well as the weapons inside the house, they found a set of keys to a motor bike. that motor bike linked to this man who they say is a fourth person. just to make things more complicated just so the viewers understand the fourth man is believed to have killed pardon me to have shot a jogger in paris, a man shot on the same day as the "charlie hebdo" attacks. the man was wounded, but now what they believe is the ballistics from that attack match the ballistics from the kosher store and coulibaly. so that's the picture they're painting. parisians saying they believe the fourth suspect may have left and may be in syria. zain? >> clearly investigators have a lot of leads to follow up on. i want to talk about amedy coulibaly. we just learned that he apparently took out a bank loan maybe perhaps to fund his
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terrorist operation. what more can you tell us about that? >> reporter: absolutely. the investigators are looking at the money trail, because as you know, as the prime minister said that is one area that asks so many questions, where did they get the money? many of them were in prison for a while, so what we have learned is that coulibaly, he took out a loan back in december. it was december 4th. he took a loan of 6,000 euros. that is $7,000. when he took out that loan, he asked to get it in eight days. that's the urgency of what he wanted. he then also asked to be covered by life insurance tied to that loan. the amount borrowed wasn't if you have to require an explanation of how the money would be spent. as you know if the money is not that much that you're requesting you don't have to
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provide an explanation. he also provided all the paperwork for that request, but he did lie about his employment saying he was full-time employment. so you start getting the idea where the money came from what the money perhaps was being spent on. experts saying this 6,000 euros may have been enough for him to buy the weapons stash he had on hand. of course lots of questions, was it just a loan? did he get financing from elsewhere? remember just after the attack we saw a video from our affiliate in which he said he provided some cash to the kouachi brothers. so the links are there, but i think the authorities are now painstakingly trying to find the money trail to see if they can find any more accomplices. >> despite the planning in all
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of this despite the depravity of these terrorists it seems as though "charlie hebdo" has only come out even stronger. 3 million copies on the stands this morning completely sold out. they'll be printing many more copies to meet demand. isa live for us there in paris. thank you. french president hollande is asking the defense minister to rethink planned military cutbacks. >> translator: the exceptional situation that we are in must lead us to revise our rhythm for reducing personnel, which was planned for the next three years. i must ask the minister of defense to make proposals by the end of the week taking into account, of course budgetary
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needs. >> u.s. president barack obama and british prime minister david cameron have written a joint editorial condemning the paris terrorist attacks. >> it appears in today's times of london and it says along with our french allies we have made it clear to those who think they can muzzle freedom of speech and expression that our voices will only agree louder. there are more than 1 billion muslims in the world, the vast majority of whom are sickened by the evil these terrorists perpetuate in the name of islam. well al qaeda in the arabian peninsula says it was behind the attack on "charlie hebdo" and if that's true it may point to a major u.s. intelligence failure. here's our barbara starr. >> reporter: al qaeda in yemen's video claim of responsibility for the attack in paris raises
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significant concern far beyond france cnn has learned. u.s. and french intelligence services are urgently working to determine if al qaeda in yemen, aqap secretly communicated with the kouachi brothers after one or both returned from yemen in 2011. if that communication happened it was so secret it wasn't detected despite the vast eavesdropping capabilities of the u.s. and that means the number one al qaeda terrorist organization targeting the u.s. and threatening to bomb aircraft can plot and plan without the u.s. knowing about it. >> aqap is the most dangerous affiliate associated with aq core in terms of external plotting outside of their region where they're located. >> reporter: it remains possible the paris attackers had no direct orders from aqap but the
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u.s. believes that al qaeda in yemen is now using advanced enkripgs technology to keep their operation secret from u.s. spying. that alone gives huge room to manurer. >> it could seeded parts of europe with these individual wholss who have been trained and can attack or set them off at a time of aqap's choosing. >> reporter: aqap was already on the upswing in power for many reasons. senior leaders are all in secure locations in yemen. all still very much in charge. it's safe haven areas are large and secure. it's continuing to recruit foreign fighters all raising
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questions about whether u.s. drone attacks in recent years have even made a dent in the group. >> no one expected drones to have suffocated aqap and put it out of business. >> reporter: for now, the u.s. doesn't know how much of a role al qaeda in yemen played in the paris attacks. but the u.s. intelligence community already deeply worried that al qaeda may have other plans up its sleeve. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. later this hour we'll explore the links between the "charlie hebdo" attack and al qaeda in yemen. we'll talk to our terrorist analyst. in the meantime to the u.s. where fbi -- the fbi has arrested a man for allegedly plotting an attack on the u.s. capitol in the name of isis. >> our justice correspondent pamela brown has all the details from washington. >> reporter: the fbi says 20-year-old christopher lee cornell was in the final stages of carrying out his attack of detonating bombs at the u.s. capitol and opening fire on u.s.
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lawmakers. fbi officials have been keeping an eye on him for several months after he told an informant he had been in contact with people overseas and the complaint says that he allegedly said i believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the islamic state here and plan operations ourselves. this was a communication between cornell and the confidential informant, an operative in this case. the fbi says from there he began to research how to make pipe bombs and wednesday he bought semiautomatic rifles. his father did speak to cnn, saying he had no knowledge of this and was shocked by the
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allegations. pamela brown, cnn, washington. next up here on cnn officials spotted the fuselage from airasia flight 8501 and it could mean recovering many of the more than 100 victims believed to be still inside. live to indonesia next. also two climbers made it up this rock formation with only their bare hands and feet. they do have safety ropes. more on their record achievement coming up. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. daughter: do you and mom still have money with that broker? dad: yeah,
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searchers in indonesia have located a majority of the fuselage from flight 8501. that's where officials expect to recover most of the victims of this crash. david molko joins us live from jakarta. the race is on to reach these bodies inside the fuselage. have the divers been able to get close? >> reporter: the families have already waited 19 days for this news so any moment longer the faster they can do this the better for them. this is one of the trickiest, most sensitive operations that has gone on over this effort. divers we're told either in or near the wreckage at this point. search officials saying communication is still difficult to get the information out and over to us. but as soon as we have more information, we'll bring that on. but what we do know is they're
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trying to do two things. one, that sensitive task of checking out the condition of these bodies inside the aircraft. more than 100 still believed to be with the fuselage. the second is they're going to take an overall look at the picture there. this section in the aircraft about 30 meters still has a wing attached. is it buried in the mud? how broken apart is it? they're looking at that because of the possibility of raising it to the surface. a lot of sensitivity, more than the tail section because of what is inside. this is right now the grave of more than 100 passengers on that flight. john? >> and david, major pieces of this plane have been found about two miles apart. any explanation why that may have happened? >> reporter: john the official line from investigators is they have all the information they need right now. they're beginning to piece that together and say there's no need to speculate.
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we'll be able to figure this out. but i talked to one investigator here and i asked him about that. i said we've seen pieces of the tail the tail was a good distance apart. the fuselage more than 800 meters from the two black boxes. what he said was look, when a plane hits the water, things get thrown in all directions. he would not specifically say whether he believes that the plane broke apart when it hit the water or in the air. but just from the choice of words he was using, you could get the sense of what he was getting at. officially investigators will not say anything about what they think happened or what did happen aboard flight 8501 until it is discussed with all the parties involved and it goes into a final report. that could take months even perhaps a year. more than 100 families are still waiting for news of their loved ones and hoping it will come
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soon. >> david, thank you, with the latest there from jakarta. want to go to the uk now where there's another suspected case of ebola. on wednesday evening, a patient was admitted to northhampton general hospital in central england after presenting symptoms of the disease. malaria tests came back negative. so far more than 8,000 people have died as the virus has spread. to china now. police rescued dozens of babies from an infant trafficking ring. it happened about 600 kilometers south of beijing. >> as will ripley reports, the mothers were apparently involved. >> reporter: police here in china rescued 37 babies. these were newborns born to a life of filth, abuse and neglect. investigators say child
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traffickers were convincing these women to go to an empty fakly, paying them to give birth and abandon their own children. child trafficking is an ongoing problem here in china we know that due to the labor exploitation and strict family planning laws. boys can go from $8,000 to $12,000. girls are sold for significantly less. these kids were being held in awful conditions. some had bed sores. they were being things like noodles and leftovers. in this case police arrested 103 people including some of the parents who sold their own children. and even though the chinese government is trying to crack down on this they know this will continue as long as there are parents, especially in these poverty stricken rural areas, who are driven perhaps by desperation or perhaps by greed, but parents who are willing to
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sell their own children on china's black market. will ripley, cnn, beijing. >> wow. coming up next two americans did what many believed to be impossible. we'll tell you how that you survived almost three weeks of climbing with only their hands and feet. financial noise financial noise financial noise you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me?
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martin luther king jr. day. don't miss the year end clearance sale at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back, everyone. spain's former king is facing a
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paternity lawsuit. a woman says a relationship resulted in her birth. the woman's attorney says the mother is alive and willing to testify. >> the suit issing asking is former king to take a dna test. in yosemite park in california a rock formation is more than 900 meters tall. >> the two climbers did it with only their hands and feet. dan simon has the latest. >> reporter: this was considered the world's hardest climb. that's because they used just their feet and hands to scale that 3,000 feet tall in yosemite national park to become the first people in the world to free climb the wall. they did have ropes and other safety devices in case of a
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fall. they did fall from time to time. but they did achieve the impossible. you're talking about a journey that goes back to december 27th. they did have some supporters who were setting them up supplies and food to keep them going. as you can imagine, going down will be a lot easier than going up. that moment five years in the making. john and zain, pack to you. >> those guys slept in cots as well. they spent about two weeks climbing. they did have safety ropes, show. president obama tweeted his congratulations to those climbers. >> the white house put out this on their twitter account. >> he's proud of them. >> the president said anything is possible. and speaking of anything is possible derek vandam joins us
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now. we have this weather system bringing in some cold conditions in europe and some rough weather. >> you're supposed to ask me what i'm doing now. >> what are you doing? >> i'm trying to lower your body temperature. a new study came out in the united kingdom today stating that told and looking at somebody who is shivering can lower their temperature. so cold -- >> i thought you were just scared of me. >> i'm not too scared. he's a friendly guy. but if you think that's cool, take a look at some of this footage out of ohio. this is some incredible photos of snowflakes that formed on a windshield of somebody's vehicle. this was taken with an iphone, believe it or not. interesting fact for you, the largest snowflake ever to fall was 15 inches in diameter eight inches thick, back in the late 1800s. if you think that's cold, take a
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look at this photo. snowboarders in northern ireland -- or surfers i should say, all thanks to a storm system that's churned up the waves and picked up an intense amount of moisture across much of the atlantic ocean. this storm stretches from the united states across the atlantic into europe. upwards of 3500 miles across the atlantic. that's how far-reaching this storm system is. it's a very powerful jet driving the storm system across northern europe at the moment picking up the waves for parts of the united kingdom and bringing very heavy snowfall to places like ireland and scotland upwards of a foot of snow. we have a lot of wind to talk about with this familiar storm system as well as if cold front continues to move eastward. you know what that means this
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time of year, travel delays. you want to double-check your flight plans in northern europe. we have a significant amount of delays from paris into london, as well as amsterdam. talking about one hour to an hour and a half. this is something you'll want to consider here if you're traveling across much of europe. that's all the time we have from the cnn world weather center. more news after the break. to your company, your customers and all your data. cyberedge from aig is more than insurance. it's proactive technology and specialists to help keep you ahead of the curve. claims specialists and advisors to protect you as cyber risks evolve. cyberedge -- to help you change the internet of risk into the internet of opportunity. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode.
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u.s. government. authorities say he was planning an attack with pipe bombs as well as automatic weapons. he was arrested wednesday after buying rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. >> the charges stem from an undercover operation which an informant cooperated in exchange for favorable treatment in an unrelated case. >> his father says he's shocked by the allegations. he thinks his son, a recent convert to islam, was coerced. he spoke by phone to our erin burnett. >> i seen it on the news so apparently he did buy two guns. i'm not denying that. but what i'm saying is he never had the money to buy those guns. he worked part time seasonally. he had maybe a $1200 saved up and those guns cost over $1700. somebody had to chip in. he's only had like one friend
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and that had to be the fbi agent. >> do you think -- perhaps they facilitated what he wanted to do. do you think he would have gone through with it? >> i don't think chris could hurt a fly. his best friend was a kitty cat. he's such a lovable, kind person. i mean he even told me he told the people where he worked because he got a lot of flak where he worked he said i'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and they make fun of him a lot at work. and that upset him and hurt his feelings more or less. >> okay in the meantime back to paris where we are getting new details about those terrorist attacks including information about who may have helped the terrorist carry out those attacks. first, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is claiming responsibility for the "charlie
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hebdo" attack saying it was revenge for insulting the prophet muhammad. tay also praised the grocery store shootings. >> authorities have identified a possible accomplice of amedy coulibaly. they say the unnamed suspect may have driven amedy coulibaly to the kosher supermarket where he killed four hostages before he was killed by police. >> the newspaper says a set of motor bike keys led them to suspect a new suspect. police found weapons and explosives inside. here's arwa damon. >> reporter: this is the building where we believe amedy coulibaly had his safe house. but we're not exactly sure which of the apartments it is. [ speaking french ] we knocked on the window because we saw a light inside. a young woman answered. she did not want to be
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interviewed. she did not want to speak to the media. she said she had absolutely nothing to say and could neither confirm or deny whether or not coulibaly in fact lived in the building. [ speaking french ] the neighbor living here she didn't want to come out and be interviewed but did tell us that amedy coulibaly lived in the back apartment at number 17. she says the police arrived at night, they told everyone to stay indoors and the next morning they questioned residents in the area. she herself says that she never even saw coulibaly. wasn't even aware someone had moved in next door. so it turns out that this is in fact the building but the am according to the neighbor that coulibaly rented out for that short period of time january 4th to 10th is in the back. when the police raided it they found automatic weapons, detonators cash and isis
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flags. this is just one of the many pieces of this very intricate puzzle that's coming together as investigators try to figure out exactly how it is that such an attack was able to take place. who else may have been involved? and what needs to be done to prevent this kind of violence in the future? arwa damon, cnn, paris. >> for more now on the claim of responsibility for the "charlie hebdo" attack by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. i spoke with our terrorism analyst paul crookshank. isis has really overshadowed al qaeda for the past year. so this claim of responsibility by al qaeda, is this the terror group's way of saying we're still out there and coming back? >> yes. i mean it is. and they're making the point very strongly that they were responsible for this operation, that they directed it that they funded it. jihadist yous for years and years wanted to go after these
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cartoonists. they've always calculated they could tap into that anger and launch a major attack. and aqap is claiming that's exactly what they've done. but i think it is to some degree a credible claim, because we understand from u.s. intelligence community that they believe these one of the brothers trained with al qaeda in yemen in 2011. this group, from what we know about it you wouldn't be allowed to train with them unless you were recruited into it and swearing an oath of allegiance to it. so i think there is some credibility to this claim, but they don't prove in this video that they carried out the attack in terms of a directional aspect to it. there's no martyrdom video like we saw of the underwear bombing on christmas day in 2009.
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eventually it's possible the group could release some kind of proof that they carried this out. at the moment the u.s. intelligence community is not certain aqap was responsible, but the working assumption is they may well have been. >> this video goes into a great deal of laying out the chain of command here ordered by the al qaeda leader zawahiri financed by the dead cleric an what al awlaki. if awlaki was killed in 2011 is it really plausible that the kouachi bothers were part of a sleeper cell for three years? >> i think it's actually plausible, that they could have come back to france and waited for a while before launching their attack. because we know when one of the brothers came back from yemen in the summer of 2011 that he was placed undersurveillance and his brother was also placed under
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surveillance. that continued for three years. it is possible the brothers waited for that surveillance to finish before they felt comfortable enough to try to haunch this plot. that is definitely one possibility here. an what al awlaki we know from spies who were inside al qaeda, that he was telling recruits when they went back to the west that they should camouflage their radicalism. that appears to be what the brothers did, john because in the june 2014 the french judged him to no longer be a danger. most al qaeda plots in recent years, this hasn't been that long a period between the final training and actually launching attacks. mostly six months to a year between those two things. >> is this a new tactic that we're seeing that they could have sleeper cells out there, they're left to their own
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devices, cuts down the communications and the chance of intercepts. is this what al qaeda has been doing for the last few years? >> to some degree we have seen a new pattern where extremists in europe have gone overseas have got a little bit of training in an account in pakistan or perhaps in syria or fought a little bit over there. and then on their own steam, come back to the west and launch plots or attacks. we've seen this recently in europe with the shooting of the jewish museum in brussels in may where a french isis fighters came back to europe and launched that attack on his own steam. >> thanks to paul crookshank for that. "charlie hebdo" is
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publishing more issues of their magazine. >> and questions are being raised about the limits of free speech in france. stay with us. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. ♪ carpenters: "rainy days and mondays" ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ac/dc: "back in black" ♪ ♪♪
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almost as fast as it hit news stands. all 3 million copies were told and 2 million more will be published soon. >> copy also go on sale in other countries around the world. france's newspaper said the proceeds from this week's "charlie hebdo" edition will be going to victim's families. >> copies of the magazine are in high behind around the world. turkey has banned website pages that show the new "charlie hebdo" cover. it was based on internet regulations, including not insulting religious beliefs. >> also the country's deputy prime minister wrote this message on twitter, those who are publishing figures referring to the prophet muhammad or those who disregard the sacred. such a move is an open incitement and provocation.
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>> newspaper staff say they received death threats on wednesday. we have details in istanbul. >> reporter: the newspaper's editor said they dedicated a four-page sample to a selection of the cartoon's translated into turkish. >> translator: we did this merely to show our support for freedom of expression and that it should be maintained and not precluded by terror. >> reporter: according to the newspaper, wednesday, turkish police showed up at the printing press and inspected the paper, holding distribution trucks before allowing them to go ahead. according to the editor in chief, the newspaper decided to not include the cover of the latest edition of "charlie hebdo" in the four-page sample. however, two columnists did use a reprint of the controversial
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cover. many muslims consider publishing such cartoons an insult to their religion. >> thanks to joanna for that report. many european papers sided with the decision to run the prophet muhammad picture. an art criticaled the cover "a life affirming work of art." >> and wrote, not publishing would have been like a second death to the victims. >> something changed in our life, in the office. we have policemen at the entrance of the doors that are usually hope are closed now. we don't really feel fears, but we know that something can happen. >> so it's clearly a controversial move to put the prophet muhammad on the cover
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again. he says the cartoon has hurt the feelings of nearly 2 billion muslims around the world. >> we went to the streets of cairo to sample public opinion. >> having this picture on the cover like this probably is inappropriate and should not have been published like that. [ speaking foreign language ] t muhammad is acceptable
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and if someone makes jokes about the holocaust, for example, it is a crime? [ speaking foreign language ] activist from custody. >> this is such a difficult issue for many people. he's due to be questioned on february 4th. his arrest sparked debate over the government's stance on free speech. as cnn's miguel marquez reports,
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it's not clear what is and not protected under the rule of law. >> reporter: he's a popular french comic, like many comedians undeterred in offending anyone he chooses. [ speaking french ] >> reporter: french law bans anti-semitism, incitement of racial hatred and condoning terrorism. something he has flouted for years. he's been convicted nearly a dozen times of inciting racial hatred or similar charges. now he's charged not for his show or material, but for this facebook post. in the post he called the march historic but it's that last
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part that brought new charges of condoning terrorism. know that tonight, he wrote, as far as i'm concerned, i feel like charlie coulibaly. a reference to i am charlie and amedy coulibaly, who, after the "charlie hebdo" attack killed four jewish men and suspected of killing a policewoman and shooting a jogger. he later deleted the post. there is a difference between freedom and anti-semitism and racism said the french prime minister in an address to parliament. defending terrorism, which is a crime, must be punished with force and strength. since the "charlie hebdo" attack, 54 cases of condoning terrorism have been open. in one case a 22-year-old man mocked the did policeman. in another, a young man was arrested for thought long live the kalashnikov to the police. he said the comic feels like coulibaly because he's been
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treated like a terrorist in his own country. he's made news here before when nba superstar tony parker was photographed making a gesture that many compare to a nazi salute. parker apologized saying he had no idea what the gesture meant. he faces up to seven years in prison for the facebook post. a new test for the french national motto, liberty, equality fraternity. miguel marquez, cnn, new york. >> in the meantime the pope has a strong message for the people of sri lanka. more on his trip just ahead. you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money.
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avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery enroll in nexium direct today. welcome back everyone. the pope has just finished a three-day tour in sri lanka and now he's on his way to the philippines as we speak. during his visit, he pushed for reconciliation among the people. >> it's been five years since a three decades long civil war came to an end. but reconciliation on an emotional and spiritual level has yet to happen. >> reporter: for a country ravaged by a decades long civil war, rare scenes and a blessing not many in sri lanka could dispute. the crowds have spilled out on the street for more than a mile. hundreds of thousands have
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gathered to seek pope francis' messing. only 7% of the population is catholic. but this was not about any one religion. people of all faiths came together to see and hear the pope. we believe this is a great beginning for our country, she says. a new government was sworn in just days ago, and with pope francis' message of unity and reconciliation many say something has changed in this country. a new era has begun. >> sri lanka has had a dark past for over 30 years. thousands of people have suffered. now it is time for us to put that behind our backs and construct a new sri lanka with a new identity. >> reporter: the co-existence of faiths was an overarching theme. the pope was greeted with buddhist chants hindu and muslim blessings. in an elaborate ceremony he
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gave sainthood to a 17th century missionary. st. joseph voss is credited for reestablishing catholicism in sri lanka. then a symbolic trip to the north, the heart of the civil war, meeting those who suffered most and calling for forgiveness. the war ended five years ago. but reconciliation has yet to happen. with this visit, many say the process of healing can perhaps finally begin. cnn, colombo. >> the pope is on his way to the philippines. that visit is likely going to cone side with a tropical storm. >> let's find out what the forecast is with derek vandam. so what is the weather for pope francis? >> it's interesting. on his trip to the philippines,
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he's stopping in tacloban. if you remember, that's where typhoon haiyan hit. he's going to be visiting some of the families impacted from that sport. this is the latest satellite imagery. 65 kilometer sustained winds with tropical storm michaela. there are a couple of different weather patterns we're monitoring. one scenario brings us in a west-northwest direction, impacting the islands here bringing more rain than wind. expecting 100 to upwards of 200 millimeters of rainfall. a large cone of uncertainty. that would be the path that
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could possibly become over the next 48 hours. none the less we'll expect rainfall and deteriorating conditions anywhere from tacloban into manila by late saturday evening and then on sunday. this is the cnn world weather computer model. you can see that storm brushing the northeastern sections of the island by saturday evening. in the meantime, here's john and zain. >> of course the irony he'll be visiting those affected by typhoon haiyan. >> he's a good pope. >> we like him. thanks so much for watching. >> rosemary church and errol barnett pick it up in the next hour. you're watching cnn. g data stash. now at t-mobile, all your unused data rolls forward to the next month. we'll even get you started with 10 gigabytes of free 4g lte data. data stash. only from t-mobile.
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hello and welcome to yours in the united states and across the world. i'm rosemary church. >> good to be with you. i'm errol barnett. we'll be with you for the next two hours. coming up manhunt. french police search for a fourth suspect who french media say may have been involved in last week's terror attacks in paris. isis wannabe. the fbi foils a plot by an alleged jihadist who attacked targets in washington. and an amazing feat you could say. two u.s. rock climbers set a mind-boggling record with nothing but their hand feet, and rope. student for